What is normal and expected after surgery: The following are expected in some patients after surgery. These conditions should be monitored closely but generally do not need to be evaluated by a veterinarian.
Mild redness, bruising, or swelling around the incision. These should resolve in 5-7 days.
Mild redness or irritation of the shaved skin. This can be caused by shaving and should resolve in 3-5 days.
A small, firm bump under the incision that is not red, painful, or warm to the touch. This can be the result of a minor reaction to the stitches and should resolve in 7-14 days as the stitches dissolve.
Your pet may not defecate for 24 hrs.
For the safety and well-being of your pet, we recommend you follow these post-operative instructions:
Keep the animal in a confined area for a day.
Restrict your pet’s activity for 7 to 14 days after surgery.
Discourage running, jumping and rough play.
Do not wash, cover or clean the incision site.
Some animals may have a blue glue-like material over the incision; this is the surgical adhesive that holds the incision closed. It will slough off on its own.
Keep the incision dry for at least 7 days after surgery.
The stitches will dissolve over time (unless otherwise stated) and getting them wet will cause the stitches to dissolve too quickly.
Bathing and swimming are NOT advised.
Check your pet’s incision daily until it has healed.
A small amount of blood seepage is normal immediately after surgery.
Some redness and swelling of the incision is expected and normal.
If you have questions or concerns regarding the general health of your pet, please contact your primary veterinarian.
Keep your pet from licking the incision site - If you are not sure you can manage this, we recommend that you purchase an E-Collar.
If you have other pets in the home, keep them separated while healing so that they do not lick your pet's incision site.
Your pet will not require suture removal (unless specifically stated). The sutures will dissolve on their own over time.
Your pet may still be under the effects of anesthesia and/or pain management medication after you pick them up, and for a few days later.
You may see dilated pupils, unsteadiness or lethargy, lack of appetite, moodiness or appearance of drunkenness. These are usual reactions when the pet is coming out of anesthesia.
Your pet may not want to urinate and/or defecate for the first 24 hours after surgery. This is completely normal and is a side effect of the anesthesia.
It is best to allow your pet to recover in a quiet, safe place in your home.
It is also advised that the pet not be over-handled.
If your pet is a cat, let the cat come out of the carrier on their own.
Your pet may have had a protective eye ointment placed in the eyes during surgery. This may make your pet's eyes look glazed for a short period of time.
Do not give aspirin or Tylenol to your pet for pain relief. These medications along with others can be deadly. Never prescribe medication for your pet on your own.
Males remain fertile for 3 to 4 weeks after surgery.
Females that were in heat when spayed may try to breed for up to 10 days after surgery. Females should be kept from males.
Do not allow a female to mate after surgery; it can be life threatening to the pet.
Females that were in heat may have some bloody vaginal discharge for a few days; this is caused by their hormone levels and is normal.
Please take measures to re-hydrate your pet when you get them back home, if they did not get fluids during surgery.
Your pet has been anesthetized for a good part of the day and will need water if they did not receive fluids during surgery.